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Lighting up the  Bandshell


Saved by the wrecking ball in 2006, the Roxbury Bandshell has evolved into one of Johnstown’s best turnaround stories!

Twenty-seven of these venues were constructed across the country in the post-depression period of the 1930’s, and today the Johnstown facility is the only one left standing. Dozens of hardworking members
of-the Roxbury Bandshell Preservation Alliance have taken the once battered structure and turned it into one of the city’s most valued assets.

With over $500,000 in improvements to date through grants and contributions, the Roxbury Bandshell can boast of staging over 20 events annually that bring more than 5,000 attendees to the park. One of
the most popular programs is the weekly summer concert series that is held every Sunday in the summer, and is offered totally free to the public.

So, what’s next In this historic transposition? How do we take this valuable resource to the next level? Well, we believe It is in its exterior lighting!

Based on descriptions of the original exterior lighting system back in the structure’s infancy, the proposed “uplighting” would be a contemporary representation of that earlier effect, but dramatically
enhanced to showcase this property in the night skies of the city.

So, today we begin this campaign to raise the necessary dollars to light-up the Bandshell, and we sincerely hope you will help us reach our goal of raising $185,000. The Alliance has never begun any of
our improvements without having the necessary funds in our budget to do so. Today our organization remains debt-free, and we are extremely proud of that .

Therefore, we asked that you consider helping us to raise the necessary funds to complete this final stage in the restoration of the Roxbury Bandshell. Please complete the enclosed pledge card and return
it to us as soon as possible. If you prefer, your pledge can be spread out over a two year period … making it more palatable for your planning and giving purposes. Or, you can send a check directly to us using
the address found on the pledge card.

This truly is an important project in preserving Johnstown’s rich history, and in ensuring that residents of our area continue to be treated to outdoor entertainment in the many years to come.


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